Machinery Translation Services

  • JNT Infotech

Machinery Translation Services

Machinery is an integral component of various industry sectors. The manufacturing industry covers many fields requiring varied types of machinery. Our services include language translation, software or website localization, and we work with major manufacturing units across the world. We have acquired in-depth knowledge in every area of the manufacturing industry involving use of machinery, be it automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and industrial equipment.

In automotive industry, particularly global price wars and excess production are the major challenges which our clients have to face. Planning and executing a strategy involving localization of their brand campaigns and post-buy experience will help them to manage their excessive cost pressures and will increase revenue thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

Our advanced technology, strategies and best-practices benefit our clients in terms of :
Faster turnaround time, decreased costs by utilizing existing translated material in a more effective manner. Enhancing the quality and consistency of translated material

We provide linguistic solutions in 140 languages and ensure even minute details are not overlooked while translation of text inclusive of machine specifications, functioning and safety precautions etc. We translate following types of documents for various industrial segments involving usage of machinery:

  • Technical manuals
  • Installation Manuals
  • Instructions for use Manuals
  • Service Manuals
  • Product Manuals
  • Auto Manuals
  • Product Descriptions
  • Machine Specifications
  • Safety Instructions
  • Our translators are both experienced and capable of handling such a wide range of documents with 100% accuracy and on time. We also support banks to customize their financial, marketing and business communication documentation into their language of choice to do the business abroad and attract new customers.

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    Language Translation
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    Document Translation
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    Technical Translation
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    Clinical Translation
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    E-Learning Translation
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    Sotware Localization
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