E-Commerce/ Media Translation Services

  • Languages: JNT Infotech

E-Commerce / Media Translation Services

Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to buying and selling of goods and services over internet. The internet penetration is a major factor for conducting e-commerce business. Most of the languages used in e-commerce belong to developed countries - English, German, French and Spanish. English being widely spread language across the globe, caters to about 35% of e-commerce dealings globally.

Interestingly, Simplified Chinese chunks about 11% of the global ecommerce business and stands second in the lot. This is due to rising internet usage of Chinese people and also huge population of People's Republic of China. Spanish and Japanese enjoy the third rank with about 7% share. As a whole about 75% of the world of e-commerce business is controlled by following languages:

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Instructions for use Manuals
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • If you are planning to expand your business internationally, you need to get your marketing materials, website, your social media profile's content and all types of marketing brochures translated into the local language. While translating other important factors such as currency, local cultural conditions such as the use of colours, website layout legal terms and conditions must be taken care of.

    In many countries, people do understand English but, any content available on internet in their own language gives them a warm feeling and they are likely to stay more on your webpage. Getting your website and other marketing material translated into local language will help you to reach out more customers without exceeding your budget.

    With the advent of internet and e-commerce, global shopping has become a lot easier. Whether it is luxury fashion brands, cosmetics, electronics or furniture, JNT Info Tech truly realizes the potential of the retail market and importance of being competitive in an industry that is highly globalised.

    Retailers operating in global market not only need to translate their website, but also require localizing their processes such as translation of product descriptions and providing online payment gateways. Language translation has become an integral element of ecommerce marketing, as many small- to mid-segment industries aspire to deal with customers from non-English-speaking countries.

    Translation of your product listings on online stores gives retailer an access to more profitable areas. Another advantage is also that as a customer, translated listings gives an opportunity to purchase those products from vendors across the world, that aren't available in your native country.

    E-commerce business owners should keep themselves updated with the upcoming changes in the international markets. Online newspapers, blogs,, articles and news websites across the globe can be accessed easily to analyze the trends and predict and decide on the future business moves to capitalize on your achievements. While trading online, there are certain precautions that site owners should definitely consider to get the accurate and impressive translations of their website content.

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